Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Let's toss the froth off a few

There is no trip to the United Kingdom without a stop at Shannon International Airport, Ireland.

I say that because it is a must see. Not that the airport is fancy, full of history or even a great deal of shopping, like many other airports, however, it does have a great pub. Yep that is right, a pub, and it opens when international flights land. This is Sherry, she is poring me a Guinness, at 2am.

Not only was she working at 2am, she was actually happy to do it and there is nothing better than a pint of Guinness and a smile from the barmaid after a long trip.

I had just returned from my deployment, (military thing) and after such a long flight to get there, I really needed a pint.

So thank you Sherry, cheers.

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