Friday, July 2, 2010

Dancing in the Mine Field ... not a good idea

U.S. Military approved Mine Field uniform

Mine fields are a horrible consequence of war.  Thought only to be used by world powers during major wars, the world is now understanding how vast the use of mine fields are within all war mongering countries.  The elimination of mine fields was a small project until the brilliant light shown upon it by Princess Diana of Wales, who took up the cause and not only used the crown of England but all the media resources at her disposable.

I have always understood that Americans see things through what I call the United Stated filter, that is to say, we believe that how the United States does things is how the rest of the world does it.

Working in Ethiopia, 2007, I came across a United Nations (NATO) Mine Field Detection and Disposal team.  When you apply the “United States Filter”, one would think that their people are as safe as our bomb detection personnel.  Our bomb squad personnel wear the Bomb Squad Suit pictured here, Blast deflecting neck shield, poly-Kevlar lining and blast padding.  There is just no way to describe the NATO suit, so here is the picture.

United National Land Mine Sweeping Team

Although working in a mine field could be considered one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, with the intricacies of photographing in one is considered, absolutely insane, even by Combat Camera Standards, and that says a lot. Not he smartest thing I have done.

1 comment:

Trisha Barry said...

Very witty... hope to see more posts soon.