Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What tha H#!!

This is Las Vegas, where the snow birds come to get away from the snow, (snow birds are people who live here in the winter and move back to their original homes for the summer). I have lived in Vegas for the better part of thirty years, that is enough to become a native Las Vegan. Every 5 or so years we get snow.
Yep that's right, the white stuff that falls from the sky, not the stuff snorted up the snozzola, although you can get that here as well, and it always surprises visitors as well as locals when it happens.
Now don't get me wrong, just outside of Las Vegas there is the ski resort, Mount Charleston. It is not like Tahoe, but more like bunny hills and small runs, some mogul and a great deal of boarding. When we do get snow, it is usually stays on the mountain, however, every now and then, around Jan to Feb,we have snow in the valley. Schools close, federal buildings are closed, and the airport people go into a tizzy trying to figure out how to de-ice the planes. It rarely does it snow before Christmas. This year they are planing for snow in the valley during Christmas.
There is an old saying in Las Vegas... With the right amount of money, you can get anything.
Apparently, Steve Wynn ordered Christmas snow.

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