Friday, October 31, 2008

Fair Season

While I was at phojo school at Fort Meade, Maryland, Octoberfest had just kicked off. The base was having their own Octoberfest celebration complete with carnival rides.
I had that kinda "slap in the face" moment. As a photographer we are constantly reminded to always have a camera at hand, you never know what is going to happen around you.
I had just finished an assignment and put my camera gear away for the night, to meet my classmates for a beer when I saw this. I quickly grabbed my classmates camera and a 10.5mm lens and grabbed the pic.
good thing one of us had a camera.

The tongue

Unlike Bozlee, who is a fur person, Roxi is a dog. I have come to understand that she believes that it is her God given right to stick her tongue in your mouth as long as it is open. I discovered this when I was laying on the couch kinda taking a nap one afternoon. Every time I would yawn, she started licking my tonsils. I close my mouth, she would stop, open, she dived right in.
Roxi is a full blooded boston terrier. Probably one of the greatest dogs ever and she is all dog. Fearless beyond belief as she would "superman" leap off of anything she was on.
Just watching her play makes us laugh.
yep, that's my dog.

The boogshagarama

This is my dog, Bozlee. He is a boston/beagle mix often referred to as a boggle. This is probably the best picture I can get with him because he hates the camera. Not sure where that came from but ever since we got him, and I got him as a puppy of 8 wks old, he has always hid from the camera
When I came back from deployment the first time, it was a difficult transition because of some events that happened, even now, when I think about those events, I get teary eyed, but bozlee or boogie as I call him, would quietly lay his head on my leg when I was sitting as if to say, when ever you need me I am here.

I am glad for my dog boogie.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jeff and Angela

There are people that you meet and they seem just to be just right for each other, that is Jeff and Angela.
Kindred spirits from high school, they complement each other like the great loves of the centuries, Romeo and Juliet, Alexandra and Cleopatra, Bogey and McCall, Abbott and Costello. That is to say they are beautiful together and are really funny.
Everyone should know people like this. It gives one the reason to hope, believe and celebrate.

My Friends

This is Angela, and I am happy to say that she is my friend. Angela and her husband, Jeff, are some of the best people I know.
I met Angela when I was working as a surgical technician at the Air Force Academy medical center, we instantly became friends, almost as close as brother and sister. We don't get to see each other as often as we like.
She has a unique insight into the human condition and a way of expressing that insight that makes anyone laugh.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The world around us

I took this picture while on assignment in Africa. That is to say I am military and was sent to Africa.
During my tour in the Horn of Africa, I was afforded the opportunity to photograph several events, including building dedications.
This event was a school dedication in a small village in Shedar, Ethiopia. As we arrived, there was singing, dancing and a great deal of signs welcoming the United States.
In Ethiopia, as most of Africa, education is mandated through what we would consider the 8th grade. After that school is considered "private" and must be paid for by the student's family. The largest problem is not the price of education as much as it is the availability of schools.
Some of the children, whose family can afford the education, will walk up to 80 kilometers to attend classes and for some, it depends not just on distance, but the migration of the flock.
We all agree that education is important for the survival of a society, it is paramount for the survival of us all.